Augh, So I'm working on this motorcycle right? And I'm replacing the gaskets using gasket remover (who knew, right?) Anyways so I'm using it and all the sudden my leg starts stinging. So I'm like, "ow" Then I got some on my hands and it literally felt like my hands were on fire, So I'm like (smartly) "Ohhhh....I'll just wait it out, The pain will subside. It didn't. A funny thing I've realized is what people will or wont do simply in the face of laziness or facility. I didn't get up and get gloves for around 10 minutes simply because I was "busy" ?? So finally I get up and put on some rubber gloves (which the stuff just ate through anyways.) If you got it on you it bubbles up and hardens, Then you wash it off and it still "stings" (Understatement of the year) for another 2 minutes. It reminded me a lot of the stuff on AVP That the aliens spit and I'm pretty sure it hurt worse. Anyways, Even after I put on the gloves I would accidentaly get my elbow or something in a pool of it and be running inside to wash it off every 5 minutes. That was cool.
In conclusion, for all you cutters, forget the razor, pick up a can of gasket remover instead!
Another cool thing is that the bike Ive been working on finally started running last night, which is awesome. I had the muffler off so it was so super loud, and all my neighbors go to bed at like 7:00 (Rough and rowdy Richland, baby) I was so tempted to take it out in the middle of the street and full rev it. But I didn't, I probably would have been glad I did, but again, I was too lazy.
-Parker Edwards-