I'm telling my mom it doesn't even need stitches but my dad insists and my moms not sure because she didn't see it, and says we'll see after we got home and looked at it. The only thing in our car were those little litter bags you put in your car so I put one on my lap to drip on, but it would just slip to the middle forming this big puddle because it was plastic, it was all very cumbersome. Anyways so I've got my finger in that position and I realize "Hmmm, by the placement of this wound on my finga, There could definitely be tendon damage or something. I had my finger so it was flexing past the straight position (You know?) and so I stop pushing on my hand, and it is supposed to return back to the straight or slightly bent position, but it didn't. It just like slowly returned and it slowly responded to my commands to bend. So I'm like "Crud"
So I end up going and we wait for like 4 freaking hours in the ER, During which time my finger decides to cooperate again and would have been fine without stitches, So I'm trying to convince my mom to not make me get them because I could just splint myself and it would be fine, and also stitches suck. But, to no avail.
So we go in there and the doctor puts this "numbing" soap on it which didn't do anything when he stabs me upward of 7 times into the bone of my finger. I've decided that shots in my skinny fingers hurt more than having them anywhere else. ANYWAYS so he sticks me a thousand time and starts threading me up all over but it turns out that the numbing shots didn't numb it all the way, but I just went through it because it was better than one of those dang shots until he asked me if it hurt and I said yeah but to just finish it.
Apparently I have really high metabolism, which I already knew, but I didn't know that affected how you react to novacain? Whatever.
I also didn't wear shoes to school on tuesday, just socks. It was interesting to see peoples reaction to it. Some people flipped, one girl was freaking out and blurted out to one of my teachers, so he turns and says "Well, do your feet stink?" and I say "no." So he shrugs it off and walks away. And Apparently I had people talking about me around the school, which is pretty chill.
-/Parker Llyn Edwards\
These pictures just don't do it the beautiful justice it deserves.
They're making me wear a splint because its right on the joint and will just open back up.
I just realized my fingertip has no feeling in it anymore...cooool.
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