Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Yeah, I was there.

I finally did it, I ran into a road thing on purpose. It was one of those orange road things that is like the big cousin to a road cone. You know, the size of a man and about as heavy.

No really I've been waiting to do it for pretty much ever so as I was driving about and saw a tidy line of those big orange cylinders - begging to be hit - I checked around me to see that I wouldn't be seen. There were a few cars ahead of me but none behind so I steadied my hands, turned the wheel and totally nailed one. I watched it fly as I drove by. So satisfying. I think I said to myself "..Nice." after I hit it because it was THAT GOOD.

Yeah anyways they're a lot heavier than they look so unless you have a crappy car or you're REALLY pissed I don't recommend doing it.

I took a picture but it was dark and didn't turn out. I'd totally post it anyways but I'm really not going to.

-The P

P.S.: What if websites had a smell? Like the really old ones from the 90's were all mold and musty smelling and the new ones smelled like a new car and the .com sinking ship failures smelled like Boris Yeltsin...

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Haha Boris Yeltsin! So would MySpace smell like an overused locker room full of sweat and weed?