So I was writing this blog and it ended up going in a very cynical direction... You just get the beginning snippet: (Wha? Spell checker didn't cite 'Snippet'? Since when was that a real word!?)
-As Thanksgiving was in full tilt and everyone was having happy fun times I was glancing at the Christmas tree, listening to some Bing Crosby Christmas record, and feeling generally cheery. I then was about to think to myself "Aah, the feeling of Christmas spirit is a nice one." I was just all full of Christmassy goodness when I thought to myself: "Hold a hard minute, It's thanksgiving."
Thanksgiving has identity issues.-
That's all for that one. The rest of the blog was full of satire, commentary, and some pretty good similes but it had to go.
My dog is insane, I saw him over the break. It's like he's my divorce child and I can only see him every four months.
Funniest thing of Thanksgiving; My dad invited two of his work buddies and families to thanksgiving. Both families were foreign, one from India and the other from China. The Indian family included the mothers parents, two very Indian 50+ year olds. My dear brother David introduced a game called 'Amoebas' which he had crafted during the long cold nights of a volunteer orphanage in Russia. The game consisted of this: Two or more groups, one group leaves the room and conceives a scene from history or pretty much anything else to reenact while involving at least some of the rest of the group, the rest of the group has to figure out what the scene is, hilarity ensues.
My group was first and we enacted 'And then there were none'.
The guts of this tangent lie in the retelling of the scene enacted by the group with the 50+ year old Indian man (Keeping in mind his English, although functional, isn't incredible). They decided to reenact the sinking of the titanic. Some people played a meloncholy tune on air violins, one steered the ship, and some were guests.
All of the sudden the man ( ): I can't remember his name) gets wide eyed and shouts with a thick Indian accent: "WE ARE IN TROUBLE!" The ship sank and everyone got it but we laughed for a while.
I should be doing a research paper. "The Evolution of English Government" Seemed like a good topic at the time still is.
That reminds me of a DJ I heard talking about the song: '25 or 6 to 4' which seems to have no meaning. Apparently the song was written about 25 or 26 minutes to 4 o'clock in the morning. The DJ said "This song is about nothing else other than trying to write a song, and for those of you that can think of another meaning..." (I expected him to say 'can call in and tell me') "Well, you're wrong."
It was funny at the time...
I want to see 2001: Space Odyssey again.
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