Okay so here's how the past few hours have gone:
Note: I've decided that I exhaust myself during the day trying to be politically correct and that I don't have to be so here. It's also too late for me to worry about stuff like 'Revising' (Psh...) so none of that will be happening.
I got back from spending some days in logan around 9:30pm and my Grandpa scared the heck out of me again. No expounding will occur here.
I have a speech due tomorrow but established early that I will probably end up doing other things that don't matter and just do it in a hurry in the morning. You can't stop the inevitable, right?
So I was just doing the usual time wasters, watching LOST (Horace made the dumbest remark I've probably heard on that show... or pretty much any show with 'HE SENT THE BURNING CAR INTO THE HOUSE TO MAKE A DISTRACTION SO HE COULD ESCAPE.'...Thank you, Horace.) And doing the whole 'Facebook' shindig and whatnot when I decided that, if I was going to finish up this speech in the morning I should shower now so I don't have to worry about it in the morning. By now it's probably 11:40-12:00. So I take a quick shower and return here to write a letter to my brother but, realizing I had already written him, hopped onto youtube...My fair and faithful friend; you will bring me to my academic end.
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't do the whole "Getting Dressed" thing when I got out of the shower so I was lewd, crude, and totally nude, dude. [Question #1: Am I a bad person for being aux naturelle in my Grandpa's basement?]
Anyways I think it was after that when I watched
this video And thought: "Jam! I could use some sustainance!" It was then that I remembered that my loving Mother had so kindly sent home some Praline Turtle Cake. The totally score part is that my Father, the only person who eats the food I eat, doesn't
know that my loving Mother sent this cake back with me seeing as I came back with my brother. [Question #2: Am I a bad person for hiding the cake in the back of the fridge?]
I went to go grab it and remembered a fun little fact which is that one half of a Turtle Praline Cake (From here on referred to as TPC) weighs about 10 pounds. It is ridiculously dense but incredibly delicious. It could probably be used as a freeweight. Anyways I got some of that and got on here to write.
The stupid part is that this entry is almost as long as my speech and that took like 3 hours to write last year. [Question #3: Am I a bad person for using a speech this year that I wrote in 10th grade?]
Sigh...I should sleep.
[Question #4: Am I a bad person if every time I see the word 'Special' I replace it with 'Retarded'?)
_Parker Llyn Edwards/>