I finally realized my biggest fear today.
It's not to be alone, it's not desertion, betrayal, or even painful death.
I'm surprised I hadn't solidified it before but it is, unquestionably, the fear of living a normal life.
And I'm not being all cutesy amateur blogger.
It really rails on me all the time and influences my decisions so much.
I was listening to '1985' which in my opinion is a stupid-as song but my parents had the radio on when we were driving into the canyon and it all clicked.
Ugh, I think I fear it so much because I know it's going to happen sometime. I met this rad old grandpa the other day named Wayne who, in my opinion, had managed not living a normal life pretty well.
I think that's why I've put so much emphasis on music in my vida; because I guess I think it's a gateway to non sequiturity.
[ins. witty closing statement]
-_Parker Llyn Edwards/>